Tuesday, 31 March 2020
COVID-19: Kapal Pengangkut AS Rayu Bantuan Segera
WASHINGTON: Kapten kapal pengangkut Amerika Syarikat (AS), USS Theodore Roosevelt memberitahu Pentagon, jangkitan COVID-19 yang tersebar di atas kapal itu tidak mampu dikawal dan menggesa bantuan bagi mengkuarantin anak kapalnya.
Bagaimanapun, Setiausaha Pertahanan AS, Mark Esper, semalam mengetepi cadangan mengosongkan kapal itu seperti yang dilakukan ke atas kapal persiaran yang sebelum ini menyebarkan wabak COVID-19.
Kapten kapal berkenaan, Brett Crozier, berkata mereka memaklumkan tidak mampu untuk membendung penularan wabak COVID-19 di atas kapal yang memuatkan 4,000 anak kapal.
Beliau turut menggambarkan keadaan mereka ketika ini amat kritikal dan kini sedang berlabuh di wilayah AS, di Guam.
“Kami bukan berada dalam situasi peperangan. Jadi, anak kapal tidak sepatutnya mati.
“Penyebaran wabak ini terus berlaku dan semakin meningkat,” tulis Crozier, dan surat itu diterbitkan media San Francisco Chronicle semalam.
Terdapat beberapa spekulasi yang mengaitkan penyebaran jangkitan berkenaan bermula apabila kapal itu berlabuh di Vietnam.
COVID-19: Akhbar Australia Hentikan Edisi Cetak
SYDNEY: Syarikat media Australia yang dimiliki jutawan, Rupert Murdoch hari ini (1/4/2020)mengumumkan menghentikan penerbitan 60 akhbar serantau, berikutan kurang pengiklanan kerana penularan COVID-19.
Menurut syarikat itu, akhbar di New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland dan South Australia akan menghentikan cetakan, seterusnya beroperasi secara dalam talian.
Pengerusi Eksekutif News Corp Australasia, Michael Miller, berkata itu keputusan yang dibuat itu bukan mudah.
“Krisis coronavirus mencetuskan tekanan ekonomi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelum ini dan kita sedang lakukan sedaya mungkin untuk mengekalkan sebanyak mungkin pekerjaan.
“Penggantungan edisi cetak ini memberi tekanan kepada syarikat, susulan pendapatan pengiklanan yang terjejas teruk.
“Ia disumbangkan oleh larangan lelongan hartanah dan pemeriksaan kediaman termasuk penutupan tempat majlis serta larangan makan di restoran berpunca penularan coronavirus,” katanya.
Banyak syarikat media di negara itu mengambil keputusan untuk menumpukan perniagaan kandungan dalam talian sebelum pandemik bermula lagi.
Ia disusuli penutupan syarikat media, termasuk Agensi Berita Kebangsaan Australia ataupun AAP kerana pemberhentian operasi hujung tahun ini.
Apa yang berlaku itu umpama penyakit berjangkitan sehingga merebak dan mencetuskan trend ikutan seluruh dunia.
Sementara itu, di Amerika Syarikat (AS), penerbit terbesar akhbar di negara itu iaitu Gannet mengumumkan syarikat itu menawarkan cuti sementara yang tidak ditentukan dan pemotongan gaji bagi kakitangannya.
Kemerosotan pembaca, selain kebangkitan Google dan Facebook sebagai penggiat industri utama dalam industri pengiklanan secara langsung memberi kesan ketara kepada syarikat media tradisional.
COVID-19 : Tips Mudah Dapatkan Diskaun Maksimum Bil Elektrik
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Foto Kredit; KASHORGA |
Pengguna boleh melaksana beberapa inisiatif bagi menjimatkan penggunaan tenaga elektrik sepanjang tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) sekaligus menerima manfaat diskaun maksimum yang diberikan kerajaan.
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) dalam satu kenyataan memaklumkan, pengguna boleh melaksana beberapa panduan bagi mengimbangi keperluan menggunakan peralatan elektrik dengan selesa tanpa pembaziran.
Ini katanya, dengan memastikan semua pintu, tingkap dan lubang edaran udara tertutup rapi ketika menggunakan pendingin hawa supaya hawa sejuk tidak keluar dari bilik.
“Menggunakan kipas bagi membantu menyejukkan hawa bilik agar suhu pendingin hawa dapat dilaraskan lebih tinggi (contohnya, antara 24 ke 26 darjah Celcius) bagi menjimatkan tenaga.
“Membersihkan penapis pendingin hawa bagi memaksimumkan proses penyejukan. Penapis yang kotor menghalang aliran udara dan mengurangkan kecekapan pendingin hawa.
“Mengelakkan mencuci pakaian menggunakan air panas, melainkan perlu dan menggunakan mesin basuh dengan muatan penuh,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
Penguna juga, katanya boleh meminimumkan penggunaan pengering pakaian dengan mengambil kesempatan cuaca panas untuk mengeringkan pakaian secara semulajadi.
“Menanggalkan palam peralatan elektrik apabila tidak digunakan serta tidak membiarkan peralatan elektrik seperti kipas dibiarkan terpasang di dalam bilik yang kosong.
“Sekiranya mandi menggunakan alat pemanas air, kurangkan tempoh mandian,” katanya.
TNB menjangkakan, dalam tempoh PKP ini, penggunaan elektrik di kediaman bakal meningkat kerana isi rumah menggunakan elektrik yang lebih kerap atau lebih lama dari kebiasaan.
“Peningkatan sebenar penggunaan elektrik ini hanya akan diketahui selepas berakhirnya pelaksanaan PKP kerana TNB menangguh sementara pembacaan meter dan menggantikannya dengan bil anggaran bagi mematuhi arahan PKP.
“Diskaun berperingkat untuk pengguna domestik selama enam bulan bermula hari ini, seperti diumumkan Perdana Menteri sebagai sebahagian daripada pakej rangsangan bagi mengurangkan beban kepada rakyat akibat langkah PKP bagi menangani COVID-19,” katanya.
Kerajaan sebelum ini umumkan pemberian diskaun sehingga 50 peratus kepada pelanggan domestik/kediaman dengan penggunaan elektrik hingga 200 kWj sebulan.
Diskaun 25 peratus pula bagi penggunaan elektrik antara 201 hingga 300 kWj dan 15 peratus bagi penggunaan elektrik antara 301 hingga 600 kWj. Penggunaan elektrik melebihi 600 kWj pula mendapat diskaun dua peratus.
COVID-19: Krisis Lebih Buruk Daripada Perang Dunia Kedua
WASHINGTON: Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) menganggap wabak COVID-19 ialah krisis kemanusiaan yang lebih buruk daripada Perang Dunia Kedua, selepas jumlah maut global semakin tinggi.
Amaran itu dibuat selepas Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), Donald Trump mengatakan rakyat negara itu akan menempuh minggu-minggu yang sukar dengan jumlah kematian harian tertinggi semalam.
Wabak COVID-19 di AS menunjukkan kematian 865 kes hingga lewat malam Selasa.
Johns Hopkins University menjelaskan jumlah kematian di AS ialah 3,873 pada 8.30 malam Selasa, berbanding 3,008 kes pada 8.30 malam Isnin lalu.
Dianggarkan separuh daripada penduduk dunia dikenakan perintah berkurung selepas kira-kira 840,000 orang sudah dijangkiti.
COVID-19: Statistik Global Terus Meningkat
PARIS: Statistik jangkitan COVID-19 global merekodkan peningkatan kes kematian COVID-19 kepada 41,072 kes, menurut satu laporan yang dikumpulkan AFP, dari sumber rasmi, semalam.
Lebih daripada 828, 240 kes baharu didaftarkan di 186 negara dan wilayah semenjak pandemik wabak ini muncul di China pada Disember lalu.
Daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes yang dicatatkan, sekurang-kurangnya 164,900 kes sudah kembali pulih sepenuhnya.
Jumlah yang dikumpulkan oleh pejabat AFP dari pihak berkuasa negara dan maklumat dari Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO), mungkin hanya sebahagian daripada angka sebenar jangkitan.
Kebanyakan negara hanya melakukan saringan bagi kes yang memerlukan rawatan lanjut di hospital.
Dalam tempoh 24 jam lalu, lebih 4,396 kes kematian direkodkan, dengan angka tertinggi dicatatkan di Sepanyol sebanyak 849 korban COVID-19, manakala 837 orang di Itali dan Amerika Syarikat (612).
Selan itu, kes baharu turut meningkat kepada 70,404 kes.
Negara yang paling tinggi rekod kematian setakat ini iaitu Itali kini merekodkan sejumlah 12,428 kes kematian daripada 105,792 kes keseluruhan.
Kes baharu yang direkodkan semalam sebanyak 4,053, dengan pihak berkuasa Itali turut mengesahkan 15,729 kes sudah pulih sepenuhnya.
Selepas Itali, Sepanyol berada di tempat kedua bagi kes kematian, iaitu membabitkan 8,189 kes daripada jumlah keseluruhannya, iaitu 94,417 kes.
Perancis setakat ini merekodkan 3,523 kes kematian daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes, iaitu 52,128.
Selain itu, Amerika Syarikat turut mengesahkan kes kematian yang agak tinggi iaitu 3,440 daripada 174,467 kes keseluruhan.
China pula merekodkan 48 kes baharu dalam tempoh 24 jam lalu dengan hanya satu kematian. Jumlah yang disahkan sembuh mencecah kepada 76,052 orang.
Dalam perkembangan lain, Isnin lalu, Trinidad dan Tobago, Myanmar, Tanzania, Mauritania, Ivory Coast dan Belarus merekodkan kematian pertama COVID-19, sementara di Burundi, Sudan Selatan dan Sierra Leone melaporkan kes pertama.
Bagi pecahan kes mengikut benua, benua Eropah paling teruk terjejas dengan 29,912 kematian daripada 452,978 kes, manakala negara di Asia Barat merekodkan sebanyak 3,008 kematian daripada 55,578 kes keseluruhan.
Ia diikuti oleh benua Amerika Selatan dan Caribbean, iaitu 508 kematian daripada 171,191 kes, manakala benua Afrika mencatatkan 195 kes daripada jumlah penduduk dijangkiti sebanyak 5,968.
Oceania merekodkan kes terendah setakat ini dengan 22 kematian daripada 5,224 kes keseluruhan.
Sunday, 29 March 2020
17 Ways You Can Make Money Online Right Now
Want to make money without leaving home during the coronavirus pandemic? Or do you want to figure out ways to make money online so that you can fund your travels when coronavirus subsides?
International Living—a website dedicated to helping people live and travel aboard—has just issued an insightful new report on 50 ways to make money in retirement.
The report is aimed at retirees who want to fund their lives overseas, but here’s the secret gem: Hidden between the advice on opening a gallery, becoming a tour guide or joining the craft beer revolution, you’ll find smart advice that anyone can use to make money online.
“No matter your skill set, no matter what you do now or did in the past, there is an option that will align with your own skills and passions,” the editors explain.
According to Jennifer Stevens, executive editor at International Living, the list is vast, but it isn’t comprehensive. “We created it to give people a sense for the scope of opportunity out there,” says Stevens. “We’ve written lots about the different ways expats abroad fund their lives.
Sometimes it’s with online work—like writing or drop-shipping. Sometimes it’s in-person services they provide, from running a consignment store to wedding planning. Certainly, the online opportunities provide great flexibility and portability.
But it’s worth pointing out that business owners in many places tell us that it’s much easier to start a business abroad because it’s often less expensive and less bureaucratic than it is at home.”
Though it might seem like an unusual time to start a new career, Jeff Opdyke—the Prague-based editor of The Savvy Retiree and contributor to International Living—says that “it’s up to us to learn how to take back control of our own lives, of our lifestyles and our personal happiness.”
1. Sell Your Photos
Do you have photo skills or live in an area where images are in demand? “Stock photography websites are huge repositories of photographs, covering almost every possible subject you could imagine,” advises International Living.
So how does it work? Photographers can upload their images to any one of a number of huge databases, allowing magazine editors, designers or any organization with a website to buy them.
And the beauty of stock websites: Photos can be sold any number of times—so you can continue to make money without any effort. Photography sites to check out include Shutterstock, Photoshelter and Getty Images.
2. Create How-To Videos
“In recent years, YouTube has grown into the go-to source for all manner of video courses and guides,” says International Living. “Instructors can monetize their videos by charging a subscription fee or password protecting content for paying customers only.”
This article shares some tips from one real estate agent who made $100,000 in one month on YouTube. Another piece of advice from International Living: Get to know the phrases that people search for.
To find potential search phrases, start typing “how to [your topic]” into YouTube’s search bar and notice what phrases are generated in the auto-fill dropdown. Make sure to use the same keywords when you write your video title, description, and tags.
3. Become a Copywriter
Want to earn a great income no matter where you live—a house by the sea in Latin America, an historic European city or even on a Greek island? Copywriting could be ideal for you.
According to International Living, “copywriting is a mega-industry, ripe with opportunity. And yearning for people who can fuel it with fresh marketing messages and one of the best benefits of the freelance copywriter’s lifestyle is that you can get paid in U.S. dollars…yet live virtually anywhere in the world.” Express Writers has tips on how to become a copywriter and is also a resource for jobs.
4. Teach English
“If you’re a native English speaker, you may not realize it, but you already have the number one qualification you need for a fun, portable income that can hand you a steady paycheck from anywhere in the world,” says International Living.
Some resources include, TeachAway (teach English online to Chinese students), iTutorGroup (teach English online to Taiwanese children and adults) and English Hunt (teach English on the phone to adult students in Korea)
5. Turn Your Interests Into a Podcast That Pays
“Podcasting doesn’t have to be complicated,” says International Living. With a microphone, laptop and free recording software, you’ll be up and running. Plus, podcasts don’t need to run every day (once a week is best) and are better when they’re short.
There are a number of ways to make money from a podcast. The most obvious is commercial sponsorship, but you can also use it as a platform to advertise your own products or services. NPR has a great guide to launching a podcast here.
6. Set up a Content and Web Development Business
Do you know how to do web and content development? You can offer these services to anyone via online tools that make developing beautiful websites a snap. Some resources include WordPress, Weebly and Joomla.
7. Become a Translator and Interpreter
Do you speak another language? Anywhere you find expat communities—and where English is not the first language—you’ll find a need for interpreting and translation services. You can also do translation and interpretation online.
You’ll find a number of resources for being a translator or an interpreter here; one of the best is Welocalize, which ranked at the top of this list of the top 20 companies for remote jobs in 2020.
8. Try Drop-shipping
Have you heard of drop-shipping? It’s a method of retail where the seller doesn’t actually have a physical inventory. Instead, when a customer makes an order, you purchase the item from a third party, and they ship it directly to the customer.
“This means you’ll never have to fork over a single dime to store your products or maintain your inventory,” advises International Living. “And you’ll never have to buy products in bulk, hoping to sell enough to recoup your investment.” This method can be done with online selling platforms like eBay or Amazon. You can find out more about drop-shipping in this helpful article from Shopify.
9. Tutor
“Establishing your own tutoring service can be a lucrative business that provides you with a comfortable and flexible lifestyle,” advises International Living.
“The best part of all, you can set up a tutoring business in almost any country in the world.” A tip: Offer discounts to clients who promote your business.
“Word-of-mouth marketing is still one of the most valuable marketing tools you can have when starting out,” advises International Living. The site has a list of the best online tutoring jobs, and you can also apply to be a tutor at
10. Become a Freelance Proofreader
Proofreading is another lucrative online career. “Most agencies will pay around 25% of the price of a translated document to a proofreader,” advises International Living. “Agencies charge about $75 for the translation of a five-page standard business document.
So proofing the same document—which takes about an hour—pays out about $18 to $20.” You can work full time, part-time or around-the-clock. Mediabistro—a site that offers resources for media professionals—has tips on how to become a proofreader.
11. Type for Cash
Are you a fast typist? Transcribing is simple: Listen to an audio file through headphones and type it out. “As a transcriber, your pay is directly related to how fast you type,” advises International Living. “Transcription jobs are paid by the audio hour (the length of the audio file), rather than by the hour worked.
The time spent on a transcript is influenced by the audio quality, background noise, the accent of the speaker and the speed at which people speak.” The average transcriber—typing between 75 and 100 words per minute—will complete one audio hour in four hours worked. Consider the company, which hires freelance transcribers.
12. Create a Money-Making Blog
Do you have an area of expertise? Share your advice on a blog. If travel is your area of expertise, think about what you have to offer: Are you an expert in luxury travel or budget travel? Can you share advice about certain activities like hiking or shopping?
“The more specific you get, the easier it’ll be to attract an engaged audience and to earn money with your site,” advises International Living. The sites Squarespace and Wix have tips on how to create blogs and can also host them.
13. Tap Into the E-Book Business
The e-book business is a great way to earn money. You can create your own (Kindle has a guide for how to do it). Or find a book that’s already been published in print and license it to publish online. You can pay the author 8-15% royalties based on net sales or a one-time payment for the online publishing rights.
14. Set up an Online Course
Or go beyond writing an e-book and create a whole online course with tutorials, PDF downloads and videos. It’s a great way to create passive income because people will pay for the info and can go at their own pace or post questions related to the course in a dedicated group.
Here’s one resource for creating and selling online courses: LearnWorlds, which makes it possible for anyone to profit from their knowledge and experience by creating an online program.
15. Become a Life Coach (or Even a Travel Coach)
“Life coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that helps people focus on both personal and professional goals,” advises International Living. “People use life coaching to overcome fears, boost their self-confidence, create goals and instill success-oriented habits.”
You can find thousands of online training programs on how to be a life coach, and many certification programs offer an entire website setup once training is completed. If travel is your area of expertise, you can even become a travel coach. Read this story about a travel writer who became a travel coach.
16. Become an Audiobook Narrator
“Audiobooks are an increasingly popular form of entertainment. The convenience factor of smartphones has led to an industry boom,” advises International Living. “That’s creating a demand for freelance narrators.” This site has advice on learning how to become an audiobook narrator.
17. Internet Research and Surveys
Another way to make good money is by surfing the Internet in your spare time or filling out online surveys. “If you’re looking for a way to make an extra $1,000, $2,000 a month part-time—then Internet research is for you,” advises International Living. Add the site Qmee to your browser, and if you click on a search result, you'll earn money.
You can also earn cash for taking Qmee surveys and sharing your opinions on brands. Other survey sites include SurveyBods, Survey Junkie and Valued Opinions. Another way to make a series of small cash rewards while on the go? With the new app Current, travelers can make up to an extra $600 a year by simply listening to music and performing various tasks.
Plus: 3 Travel Jobs that We Dream About
1. Farming and Living Off the Land
“Farming can be one of the most fulfilling lifestyles you can embark on,” advises International Living. “But many might dismiss it as too much hard work, or too expensive to get started.” That may be true in the US, but overseas there are opportunities that will make it easier than you think to live off the land—and you can make money while you’re at it. It could be as simple as creating a veggie patch to feed the family and bring in a little extra cash at the local farmers’ market. Or you could oversee a large acreage of land that turns out big profits.
2. Run an Ecolodge
“In countries all around the world, expats have discovered the joys—and profit—of running an ecolodge,” advises International Living. “They’re taking advantage of a growing trend in ecotourism to fund their peaceful, nature-filled lives overseas—and they’ve discovered some of the most affordable, breathtaking destinations to do it.
Ecolodges are usually located in destinations that cater to tourists looking for nature-focused vacations and can be set up anywhere that is reachable by transport.
3. Try Cheesemaking
Who doesn’t love cheese? “Cheesemaking can be a satisfying and fun hobby, but beyond that, it can provide an income as well,” advises International Living. “In certain expat havens in Latin America, good cheese is in high demand.”
Saturday, 28 March 2020
Here Are 700,000 Open Jobs That Need To Be Filled Immediately
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Photo: CNBC |
Millions of Americans are already losing their jobs as the coronavirus spreads across the U.S. and wreaks havoc on the economy.
But the pandemic is also driving a surge in hiring at businesses seeing an upsurge in demand for their products and services because of the outbreak.
At least 700,000 jobs are open at the moment, according to a CBS MoneyWatch tally of big businesses such as Walmart and Amazon that have announced plans to hire.
There are also plenty of "gig" economy jobs that are available for delivery workers, tutors, personal assistants and more.
To be sure, the new jobs won't come close to replacing all the work now being lost, especially in hard-hit sectors like travel, hotels and retail.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard predicts that unemployment could reach 30% over the next few months — that would exceed the highest jobless rate during the Great Depression, when unemployment hit nearly 25%.
Millions of workers are now scrambling to find new jobs, or at least add some paid work that can cover their bills. Their best bet may be in sectors like retail and health care, where demand is surging as Americans cope with stay-at-home orders in New York, California, Illinois and other places across the country.
"It's a tough moment — so many companies have put hiring on hiatus as they try to figure out the fallout of this crisis, so you might want to look at where there is great demand," said Kathy Kristof, editor of SideHusl, an independent review site for online work platforms like DoorDash and Instacart. (Kristof also has been a contributing columnist to CBS MoneyWatch.)
She added, "But at the moment, there are hundreds of thousands of job openings — in some cases, it's in response to the coronavirus."
For instance, some food delivery services have instituted so-called contactless delivery, which is in strong demand as consumers avoid personal interaction because of infection fears. Contactless delivery is "about making sure everybody stays safe on all sides," Kristof said.
While many of these jobs include retail or delivery roles, there are also opportunities for professionals to work from home.
Online tutoring could prove to be lucrative work now that millions of children are at home due to school closures.
Sites such as LessonFace offer access to online music teachers, while Chelsea International Education is hiring tutors for jobs than can pay as much as $140 an hour.
Instacart: 300,000 hires
Instacart on Monday said it's hiring 300,000 workers, with CEO Apoorva Mehta writing in a blog post that the "last few weeks have been the busiest in Instacart's history." This gig-economy company hires people to shop at grocery stores for its customers, and then deliver groceries to their door.
Workers now receive sick pay, which can be used as paid time off if they are absent due to illness or injury, Mehta wrote. "Additionally, any full-service or in-store shopper can receive up to 14 days of extended pay if you're diagnosed with COVID-19 or placed in individual mandatory isolation or quarantine," he noted.
Hiring will occur across North America, with Instacart expecting to hire 54,000 new shoppers in California and 27,000 new shoppers in New York. But Sidehusl says the pay structure can be "obtuse," as it's based on factors like how far its shoppers drive and commissions for each item bought.
Walmart: 150,000 hires
Walmart plans to hire 150,000 temporary workers to keep up with demand from shoppers who are stocking up during the coronavirus pandemic. (Walmart's hiring website can be found here.)
Walmart said the 150,000 new workers will be employed in its stores, Sam's Club and fulfillment centers, and that the jobs will be "temporary at first, but we expect many to convert to permanent roles over time."
Amazon: 100,000 hires
Amazon said it wants to hire 100,000 people across the U.S. to keep up with a crush of online orders as the coronavirus spreads and more consumers turn to shopping online.
The online retailer said it will also temporarily raise pay by $2 an hour to about $17 an hour through the end of April for hourly employees, who work at its warehouses, delivery centers and Whole Foods grocery stores.
CVS: 50,000 hires
The drugstore chain said on Monday it would hire 50,000 new employees in full-time, part-time and temporary roles. While the company's full-time workers have always had paid sick leave, it added 24 hours of paid sick leave for part-time workers during the pandemic, it noted. The CVS job site can be found here.
Dollar General: 50,000 hires
The low-cost retailer said it plans to hire 50,000 new workers — double its typical hiring rate — by the end of April because of demand from shoppers amid the pandemic. Most of the jobs are likely to be temporary.
The company said its 16,300 stores are located within five miles of about 75% of the American population. Job applicants can search for jobs near them at this Dollar General site.
Papa John's: 20,000 hires
The pizza chain said on Monday that it's hiring 20,000 new workers, adding that "most" applicants who get hired can expect to start the same day. The company has also started contactless delivery to lower the risk to workers.
7-Eleven: 20,000 hires
The convenience store chain on Friday said it wants to add 20,000 new employees to keep up with demand, including adding more delivery people for the chain's 7NOW delivery app, which delivers to more than 30 million U.S. households.
Kroger: 10,000 hires
The grocery chain is hiring 10,000 new workers, reports Houston's KPRC.
PepsiCo: 6,000 hires
PepsiCo, the company that owns Pepsi and Lay's potato chips, is adding 6,000 new employees, who will be "full-time, full-benefit frontline employees across the U.S.," it said in a statement.
Blue Apron: Hiring new workers
Blue Apron CEO Linda Findley Kozlowski said in a statement to CBS MoneyWatch that the food-kit delivery company is hiring more workers — including those recently laid off by restaurants — to meet the increased demand for its services.
First published on March 24, 2020 / 8:26 AM
Friday, 27 March 2020
COVID-19: Dunia Memasuki Fasa Kemelesetan Ekonomi - IMF
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Global Recession |
WASHINGTON: Pandemik COVID-19 mendorong kelembapan ekonomi global, sekali gus menuntut pembiayaan besar-besaran bagi membantu negara membangun, kata Ketua Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva pada Jumaat.
"Adalah jelas bahawa kita telah memasuki era kemelesetan" yang akan lebih buruk berbanding 2009 berikutan krisis kewangan global, katanya menerusi taklimat media dalam talian.
Dengan ekonomi "berhenti secara mendadak" di seluruh dunia, Georgieva berkata anggaran itu "untuk keperluan kewangan keseluruhan pasaran baharu muncul adalah AS$2.5 trilion (RM10.82 trilion)."
Kerajaan dalam pasaran baharu muncul, yang mengalami penghijrahan modal lebih daripada AS$83 bilion (RM359.21 bilion) dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini, boleh menampung banyak perkara itu, tetapi "dengan jelas sumber dalam negeri tidak mencukupi" dan banyak negara yang sudah mempunyai beban hutang yang tinggi.
Lebih 80 negara, kebanyakannya berpendapatan rendah, telah meminta bantuan kecemasan daripada IMF, katanya.
"Kami tahu bahawa rizab mereka sendiri dan sumber dalam negeri tidak akan mencukupi," kata Georgieva sambil menambah bahawa dana itu bertujuan untuk meningkatkan tindak balas “untuk berbuat lebih banyak, lakukan lebih baik, lakukan lebih cepat daripada sebelum ini."
Beliau turut mengalu-alukan pakej ekonomi AS$2.2 trilion (RM9.52 trilion) yang diluluskan oleh Senat Amerika Syarikat (AS), dengan mengatakan "sangat diperlukan untuk meredakan ekonomi terbesar dunia terhadap kejatuhan ekonomi secara mendadak."
Pakej AS juga penting kerana ia mempercepat sumbangan Washington AS$78 bilion (RM337.57 bilion) kepada kapasiti pinjaman IMF. Keahlian tabung pada Januari meluluskan pelan untuk menggandakan pembiayaan - Pengaturan Baharu untuk Meminjam - kepada kira-kira AS$500 bilion.
"Keputusan AS untuk mempercepat kelulusan sumbangan baharu yang besar kepada IMF adalah mesej yang jelas kepada masyarakat antarabangsa dan membantu memperkuat kapasiti pemberian pinjaman IMF (keseluruhan) AS$1 trilion (RM4.33 trilion)," kata Georgieva dalam satu kenyataan setelah Dewan Perwakilan meluluskan pakej menyelamat besar-besaran.
Presiden Donald Trump menandatangani pendekatan itu pada malam Jumaat.
Ia menyediakan bayaran tunai langsung kepada rakyat AS, pengembangan besar manfaat pengangguran, dan pemberian dan pinjaman kepada perniagaan untuk membantu mereka menghadapi penutupan ekonomi.
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
Can You Become Immune to the Coronavirus?
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A recovered coronavirus patient donated plasma at the Hainan Blood Center in Haikou, China, in February.Credit...Xinhua/Alamy Live News |
By Apoorva Mandavilli
As the number of people infected with the coronavirus surpasses 450,000 worldwide, and more than one billion are locked in their homes, scientists are wrestling with one of the most pressing questions of the pandemic: Do people who survive the infection become immune to the virus?
The answer is a qualified yes, with some significant unknowns. That’s important for several reasons.
People who are confirmed to be immune could venture from their homes and help shore up the work force until a vaccine becomes available, for example. In particular, health care workers who are known to be immune could continue to care for the severely ill.
Growing immunity in the community also is the way the epidemic ends: With fewer and fewer people to infect, the coronavirus will lose its toehold and even the most vulnerable citizens become more insulated from the threat.
Immunity may also bring an early treatment. Antibodies gathered from the bodies of those who have recovered may be used to aid those struggling with the illness caused by the coronavirus, called Covid-19.
On Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of plasma from recovered patients to treat some severe cases. A day earlier, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced that New York would become the first state to begin testing serum from people who have recovered from Covid-19 to treat those who are seriously ill.
“It’s a trial for people who are in serious condition, but the New York State Department of Health has been working on this with some of New York’s best health care agencies, and we think it shows promise,” Mr. Cuomo said.
The body’s first line of defense against an infectious virus is an antibody called immunoglobulin M, whose job is to stay vigilant in the body and alert the rest of the immune system to intruders like viruses and bacteria.
Days into an infection, the immune system refines this antibody into a second type, called immunoglobulin G, exquisitely designed to recognize and neutralize a specific virus.
The refinement may take as long as a week; both the process and the potency of the final antibodies can vary. Some people make powerful neutralizing antibodies to an infection, while others mount a milder response.
The antibodies generated in response to infection with some viruses — polio or measles, for example — bestow a lifetime of immunity. But antibodies to the coronaviruses that cause the common cold persist for just one to three years — and that may be true of their new cousin as well.
A study in macaques infected with the new coronavirus suggested that once infected, the monkeys produce neutralizing antibodies and resist further infection. But it is unclear how long the monkeys, or people infected with the virus, will remain immune.
Most people who became infected during the SARS epidemic — that virus is a close cousin of the new coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2 — had long-term immunity lasting eight to 10 years, said Vineet D. Menachery, a virologist at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
Those who recovered from MERS, another coronavirus, saw much shorter-term protection, Dr. Menachery said. People who have been infected with the new coronavirus may have immunity lasting at least one to two years, he added: “Beyond that, we can’t predict.”
Still, even if antibody protection were short-lasting and people became reinfected, the second bout with the coronavirus would likely be much milder than the first, said Florian Krammer, a microbiologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.
Singapore GDP Contracts 2.2 Pct in Q1, Downgrades 2020 Growth Forecast To -4.0 to -1.0 pct
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Singapore Economy |
SINGAPORE : The Singapore economy contracted by 2.2 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the first quarter of 2020, reversing the 1.0 per cent growth in the preceding quarter.
The republic’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth forecast for 2020 is further downgraded to -4.0 to -1.0 per cent.
These are based on advance estimates released by the republic’s Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) which computed largely from data in the first two months of the quarter.
They are intended as an early indication of GDP growth in the quarter and are subject to revision when more comprehensive data becomes available.
MTI said the manufacturing sector contracted by 0.5 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the first quarter, moderating from the 2.3 per cent contraction in the previous quarter.
The performance of the sector was weighed down by output declines in the electronics and chemicals clusters, which more than offset output expansions in the biomedical manufacturing and precision engineering clusters.
The weakness of the sector likely reflects a fall in external demand as global economic activity has slowed due to the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, it said.
The construction sector shrank by 4.3 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the first quarter, a reversal from the 4.3 per cent growth in the previous quarter.
The performance of the sector was weighed down primarily by a decline in private sector construction activities, said the ministry.
MTI noted that supply chain disruptions and delays in the return of foreign workers as a result of the lockdowns and travel restrictions implemented by other countries in response to the COVID-19 outbreak have also adversely affected some construction projects.
The services producing industries meanwhile contracted by 3.1 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the first quarter, reversing the 1.5 per cent growth in the fourth quarter of last year.
By sectors, the air transport, accommodation, food services and retail trade sectors shrank on the back of a sharp decline in tourist arrivals as well as a fall in domestic consumption as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
At the same time, the wholesale trade and other transportation & storage - water transport - sectors contracted due to the fall in external demand and supply chain disruptions.
The information & communications and finance & insurance sectors, however, posted positive, albeit more subdued, growth.
Taking into account the weaker-than-expected performance of the Singapore economy in the first quarter, and the sharp deterioration in the external and domestic economic environment since February, the GDP growth forecast for 2020 is further downgraded to -4.0 to -1.0 per cent.
The wider forecast range is to account for heightened uncertainties in the global economy, given the unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 outbreak, including the public health measures taken in many countries to contain the outbreak, said the ministry.
MTI will release the preliminary GDP estimates for the first quarter, including performance by sectors, sources of growth, inflation, employment and productivity, in its Economic Survey of Singapore in May 2020.
In February, MTI had downgraded the GDP growth forecast for 2020 to -0.5 to 1.5 per cent on account of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Heng Swee Keat, will deliver a Ministerial Statement on the Government’s additional support measures for workers, businesses and households in response to the COVID19 pandemic this afternoon.
Industri penerbangan rugi AS$252 bilion/RM1.1 trilion : IATA
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Airlines Industries |
KUALA LUMPUR: Persatuan Pengangkutan Udara Antarabangsa (IATA) menjangkakan industri penumpang bakal kehilangan pendapatan AS$252 bilion (RM1.1 trilion) atau empat peratus di bawah angka yang dicatatkan tahun lalu.
IATA dalam satu kenyataan berkata, pengurangan pendapatan itu disebabkan sekatan perjalanan yang semakin memburuk dan jangkaan kemelesetan global.
“Ini disebabkan senario di mana sekatan perjalanan yang teruk berlangsung selama tiga bulan, diikuti pemulihan ekonomi yang secara berperingkat akhir tahun ini,” katanya.
IATA mengkaji semula analisis kesan pendapatan ekoran COVID-19 ke atas industri pengangkutan udara global.
Dalam analisis IATA bertarikh 5 Mac menunjukkan, industri bakal kerugian sehingga AS$113 bilion (RM496.7 bilion), sebelum negara di seluruh dunia memperkenalkan sekatan perjalanan yang yang menjejaskan sebahagian besar pasaran perjalanan udara antarabangsa.
“Industri penerbangan berdepan krisis paling besar. Dalam masa beberapa minggu, senario kes terburuk kami menunjukkan ia lebih baik daripada jangkaan terkini. Namun, tanpa langkah bantuan segera kerajaan, tiada industri yang mampu bertahan,” kata Ketua Pengarah dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif IATA, Alexandre de Juniac.
de Juniac berkata, syarikat penerbangan memerlukan AS$200 bilion (RM878.3 bilion) dalam bentuk mudah tunai untuk terus kekal bersaing.
“Beberapa kerajaan sudah memulakan langkah ke hadapan, namun masih banyak lagi yang perlu mematuhi undang-undang,” katanya.
Dalam analisis terkini IATA, ia membayangkan senario pemulihan perlahan itu akan ditarik balik selepas tiga bulan.
Pemulihan permintaan perjalanan akhir tahun ini dilemahkan oleh kesan kemelesetan global ke atas keyakinan dan pekerjaan.
Menurut analisis itu, permintaan penumpang setahun penuh susut 38 peratus berbanding tahun lalu.
“Kapasiti industri (kesediaan tempat duduk) dalam pasaran domestik dan antarabangsa susut 65 peratus dalam tempoh suku tahun kedua berakhir 30 Jun berbanding tempoh sama tahun lalu.
“Namun, dalam senario ini, penurunan pulih kepada 10 peratus pada suku tahun keempat,” kata IATA.
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Bank Negara Malaysia: No Need To Apply, Interest Will Be Accrued
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BANK Negara has issued a FAQ on the six-month loan repayment moratorium, which clarified that borrowers need not apply as the process is automatic.
The central bank also clarified that the interest will continue to accrue during the deferment period. This could result in higher subsequent instalment amount or an extension of the loan tenure.
Below is the FAQ in full.
Q. What is deferment of loan or financing repayment?
it is a temporary deferment or suspension of loan/financing repayment obligation (principal and interest) for a limited period of time.
During this period, borrowers/customers with loan/financing that meet the conditions do not need to make any repayment, and no late payment charges or penalties will be imposed.
Interest/profit will continue to accrue on loan/financing repayments that are deferred and borrowers/customers will need to honour the deferred repayments in the future. Loan/financing repayment resumes after the deferment period.
Q. What is the objective of the deferment package?
The aim of this package is to provide some relief to individuals and businesses who face temporary financial constraints arising from the Covid-19 pandemic.
We hope that this will help individuals and businesses facing financial adversities to cope with challenges during this period. Loan/financing repayment resumes after the deferment period.
Q. Which loan/financing qualifies for the deferment?
For individuals and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the deferment in conventional loans or Islamic financing repayment obligations (except credit cards) are automatically effected by banks and development financial institutions (DFIs) if the loans/financing meet these criteria:
• not in arrears exceeding 90 days as at 1 April 2020; and
• denominated in Malaysian Ringgit.
Meanwhile, corporate borrowers/customers may request for a moratorium on loan/financing repayment from their respective banks.
Q. Can I ask for more than six months deferment?
The deferment is only for six months. Please contact the bank if you require a longer deferment period.
Q. If I opt for the deferment, will my CCRIS records be adversely affected?
No. However, interest/profit will continue to accrue on loan/financing repayments that are deferred and borrowers/customers will need to honour the deferred repayments in the future.
Borrowers/customers are advised to contact their banking institutions to discuss on the options available to resume repayments after the deferment period.
Q. Do I need to apply?
No. All individual and SME loans/financing (excluding credit cards) that meet the criteria will automatically qualify for the deferment.
Q. My loan/financing is in default, can I qualify? Can loans under rescheduling and restructuring (R&R) program be eligible for the deferment package? Loans/financing accounts that are already more than 90 days in arrears, will not qualify for the deferment. Borrower/customers are advised to approach their banks to seek assistance.
Loans/financing under R&R program is also eligible for the deferment subject to meeting the criteria.
Q. How is the deferment package different from the other loan/financing moratoriums announced by banks recently?
Banks and development financial institutions (DFIs) have been proactive in responding to the needs of their borrowers/customers with various rescheduling and restructuring packages offered to assist affected borrowers/customers. Such efforts are welcomed and encouraged during these challenging times.
Borrowers/customers that have accepted assistance from banks and DFIs to reschedule and restructure their loans/financing can opt out of such arrangement, if they wish to do so.
Q. Which banks offer this deferment package?
All licensed banks, licensed Islamic banks and prescribed development financial institutions (DFIs) regulated by BNM will offer this deferment flexibility. Borrowers/customers that meet the eligibility criteria can avail themselves to this flexibility automatically.
Q. How do I know if my bank has enrolled my loan/financing into the deferment package? How do I know if I have qualified?
Banking institutions will provide individuals and SME borrowers/customers with adequate information that their loan/financing repayments have been deferred under this scheme.
Such information may be provided through a general advisory issued to borrowers/customers through appropriate channels, and/or published on banking institutions' websites.
Q. I want to continue with my loan/financing repayments. How do I opt-out of the automatic deferment package?
You should contact your bank if you wish to opt-out of the automatic deferment package, or continue to make timely and full repayment of your loan/financing.
Q. I work in the tourism sector and have been badly affected by recent events, I have been struggling to meet my monthly mortgage payments since January and my savings are soon running dry. Do I qualify for the deferment package?
Yes, provided that your loan/financing is not in arrears for more than 90 days as at 1 April 2020.
Q. I run a small business which has been severely affected by Covid-19, if business does not improve, I will soon be defaulting on my car and personal loans/financing? Do I qualify for the deferment package?
Yes, provided that your loans/financing are not in arrears for more than 90 days as at 1 April 2020.
Q. Will I be charged additional interest on the repayment amount that is deferred by 6 months during the period?
For conventional loans, interest will continue to be charged on the outstanding balance comprising of both principal and interest portion (i.e. compounded) during the moratorium period.
For Islamic financing, profit will continue to accrue on the outstanding principal amount. Such profit however will not be compounded in line with Shariah principles.
Banks are however not allowed to impose late penalty charges on the deferred amount. In other words, the loan/financing repayment is just deferred by 6 months.
Q. What would happen to my loan/financing repayments after the deferment package period? How does being in the deferment package affect my interest payments after the 6-month period? Is there an increase in monthly payments, or longer tenure?
Interest/profit will continue to accrue on loan/financing repayments that are deferred. This means accumulated repayment amount during the deferment of repayment period will be added to the outstanding loan/financing amount.
Borrowers/customers are advised to contact their banking institutions to discuss on the suitable workout plans to repay the principal and interest accrued during the deferment period. This may include higher subsequent instalment amount or an extension of the loan/financing tenure.
Q. Does this deferment package apply to newly approved/disbursed loans?
It applies to all loans/financing outstanding as at 1 April 2020.
Q. Would my loans with other non-bank credit providers qualify for this deferment package?
No, this is only applicable to loans or financing offered by financial institutions regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia, namely banks and development financial institutions.
Q. If a corporate opts in for a loan or financing repayment deferment package, would it still be able to get new financing from banks?
Yes. The credit decisions of financial institutions are subject to their respective internal credit policies and assessment.
Q. As a corporate, what would be the criteria to opt-in?
Unlike individuals and SME borrowers/customers, corporate borrowers/customers should refer to their banks for the deferment and rescheduling and restructuring of their loans/financing.
In addition, these loans/financing must meet these criteria: • not in arrears exceeding 90 days as at 1 April 2020; and • denominated in Malaysian Ringgit.
Q. I have a loan/financing which is automatically deducted from my salary. Do I qualify for the deferment?
Yes. Please inform your company to stop the salary deduction if you wish to have your loan/financing repayments deferred. You should also contact your bank to inform them accordingly.
Q. How should I notify the bank that I wish to opt-out of the deferment offer?
Please respond to the notification sent by the bank and informed that you wish to opt-out of the automatic deferment package, or continue to make timely and full repayment of your loan/financing.
Q. Will the bank automatically stop the repayment requirement if I did not respond to their notification?
Q. I have two credit cards with big amounts outstanding, and I was retrenched in January. I have not been able to meet my credit card monthly obligations since January and am very worried of the consequences. Will I qualify for the conversion of these outstanding balances into term loans/financing? How does it work? Do I need to call my bank to effect this?
If you have been unable to meet the minimum monthly repayment on your credit card consecutively for the last three months, your card issuer will convert the outstanding balance into a term loan of not more than 3 years at an effective interest of not more than/financing 13 percent per annum.
Q. I heard that banks will now provide automatic conversion of credit card balances into term loans/financing, but I have a monthly salary of about RM5,500. Will I qualify for this conversion package by banks?
Banks will convert the outstanding credit card balances of cardholders who are unable to meet the minimum monthly repayment consecutively for the last three months, regardless of the income levels of the cardholders
Q. Can credit cardholders who have converted their card balances into a term loan/financing immediately ask for 6 months deferment of loan or financing repayment package?
Yes, they can. Loan/financing repayment resumes after the deferment period.
Q. If my credit card outstanding balances is converted to a term loan/financing, can I still use my credit card?
Yes, you can continue to use the credit card up to the remaining credit limit after taking into account the balance converted into a term loan/financing. The outstanding balance converted into the term loan/financing is treated as part of the credit card limit. In addition, the monthly term loan/financing instalments will then form part of the minimum monthly repayment amount on the credit card.
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